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Towards Sustainable Digital Futures

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Event Information

Towards Sustainable Digital Futures
Dates of Event
14th May 2025 – 15th May 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
15th April 2025


Towards Sustainable Digital Futures: a two-day symposium 14 – 15 May 2025

Over the past decades, digitalisation and sustainability have emerged as two of the most significant global trends, yet they have largely developed independently. Digitalisation is proposed as a solution to address global sustainability challenges such as climate change, environmental pollution, and biodiversity loss (United Nations 2018; Dwivedi et al. 2022). Nevertheless, technologies such as AI are partial and deceptive solutions to the planetary crises if their sustainability is not addressed.

Alarming figures from scientific research have highlighted the detrimental environmental effects of digitalisation and datafication. The environmental impacts of digitalisation are significant and growing, with rising electricity consumption, water usage, and emissions from devices, networks, and data centers (Gelenbe, 2023; Lange et al., 2023; Li et al., 2023). Moreover, the extraction of critical minerals for digital devices as well as planned obsolescence and poor recycling cause severe ecological harm, particularly in the Global South (Lange et al., 2023).

Although societies want digital technologies to serve the social good, there has been far more focus on environmental harms of digital technologies than sustainable alternatives. In this symposium, we ask what a sustainable digital society looks like and how we get there. What kind of research is needed to make the digital future more sustainable? 

The interdisciplinary symposium will include paper presentations, a workshop, and keynote talk. 

For further information, please see the 'More Info' tab 

Attendee CategoryCost   
General Rate£120.00[Read More]
PhD student rate£90.00[Read More]

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