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School of Chemcial, Materials & Biological Engineering

School of Chemcial, Materials & Biological Engineering

Chem Eng Day Uk

ChemEngDayUK 2025


ChemEngDayUK aims to bring together students, researchers, educators, and industrialists to showcase the latest in chemical engineering research, innovation, and technology through a combination of distinguished plenary speakers and presentations from academics, researchers and students from across UK universities and industry, covering topics including:

- Sustainability & Circular Economy 
- Energy
- Particle & Particulate Engineering
- Process Modelling & Simulation
- Bioprocessing & Biotechnology
- Education

The two-day conference is hosted by a member university of Heads of Chemical Engineering UK (HCEUK), an independent body established in 2015 to facilitate channels of communication between key chemical engineering stakeholder groups across universities and higher education establishments to further the interests of chemical engineering in higher education teaching and research. 

The event has previously been hosted by notable universities such as Imperial College London in 2024, Queens College, Belfast in 2023, and UCL in 2022.

Cancellation Terms:

Written notice (chemengday@sheffield.ac.uk):
Received up to 8 weeks before date of conference – 100%
Received between 8 weeks and up to 4 weeks before date of conference–50%
Received between 4 weeks and up to 2 weeks before date of conference–25%
Received less than 2 weeks before date of conference – 0%

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. PhD Student - Standard£320.00[Read More]
2. Postdoc & Academic - Standard£380.00[Read More]
3. Industry - Standard£420.00[Read More]
4. IChemE Education Special Interest Group (Friday 25 April 11am - 4pm)£75.00[Read More]
5. IChemE CAPE Special Interest Group (Friday 25 April 11am - 4pm)£75.00[Read More]
UKES 2025

UK and World Energy Storage Conference 2025


UK and World Energy Storage Conference 14-17 April 2025

Sheffield is proud to be hosting the UK and World Energy Storage Conferences, combined for the second time, after being held together at the University of Birmingham in 2022. 

Supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s Supergen Energy Storage Network+ Programme, the three day conference will address topics including:

- Hydrogen and Other Fuels
- Electrical Energy Storage
- Thermal Storage 
- Systems and Integration
- Materials for Storage 
- Policy and Markets 

The event aims to bring together students, researchers, educators, and industry from across the UK and the world. Through a combination of distinguished plenary speakers, workshops, posters, and seminars, UKES will showcase the latest research, innovation, and technology emerging in this vital sector.#

Full Conference Pass
The Full Conference Pass includes access to all programmed events, conference delegate pack, two course buffet lunch and refreshments throughout, access to the Welcome & Registration Event from 7pm on Monday 14 April 2025, and includes the Gala Dinner on Wednesday 16 April. 

Standard Conference Pass
The Standard Conference Pass includes access to all programmed events, conference delegate pack, two course buffet lunch and refreshments throughout, and access to the Welcome & Registration Event from 7pm on Monday 14 April 2025.

Cancellation Terms - See More Info Tab

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Full Pass PhD Student£410.00[Read More]
2. Full Pass Postdoc & Industry£450.00[Read More]
3. Standard Pass PhD Student£320.00[Read More]
4. Standard Pass Postdoc & Industry£360.00[Read More]
5. HSiC2025 - Storing Hydrogen Underground£80.00[Read More]

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