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Confucius Institute

Confucius Institute

Books for learners at Sheffield Confucius Institute

Books for learners at Sheffield Confucius Institute


Available by collection in-person, no posting service.

Books can only be purchased by current learners at Sheffield Confucius Institute, for either adult learners or young leaners. Please note: books can only be collected in-person. No posting service is provided. (You can always purchase books on the market, where postage can be included.)

1. For 12-week Mandarin Language courses, adult learners

(1). HSK Standard Coursebook, priced for one volume, Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3, Vol 4-1, Vol 4-2. 

 (2). HSK Standard Workbook, priced for one volume, Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3, Vol 4-1, Vol 4

( 3). Chinese in Steps, Volume 1-4, priced for one volume and subject to availability.

2. For young learners at the Star Mandarin School

 (1). My First Chinese Reader, priced for one volume, Vol 1-4

 (2).Chinese Paradise, priced for one volume, Vol 1-3

 (3). Kuaile Hanyu, priced for one volume, Vol 1-2

 (4). Youer Hanyu, Vol 1-4, four volumes together.

 (5). Zhongwen Textbook + Workbook A and B, priced for one volume, Vol 1-12

 (6) . Easy Steps to Chinese, Volume 1-3, priced for one volume and subject to    availability.


Please add your selected textbook to the basket. At Questionnaires, we collect information on the "Learner's Name" and "Which Volume."

Upon completing a purchase, you can collect your order of the book at the CI office located at 2-4 Palmerston Road, Sheffield S10 2TE. Alternatively, for adult learners, book collection is also available on the first evening of your course, week 1, at Bartolome House, School of Law, where your course is held. In addition, for young learners, book collection can be available when the Star School is open on Saturdays.

Please be aware that no posting service is provided for the books. Basically, you can always purchase these books on the market, where postage can be included. 

*** Our appreciation:***
 After finishing your course, we welcome your donation of textbooks back to the office if you no longer need them. However, please note that no refunds will be given for returned books.

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Mandarin Summer School for Children 2025, In-Person Attendance

Mandarin Summer School for Children 2025, In-Person Attendance


24 July - 30 July 2025

Unlock the wonders of Mandarin Chinese for your child with our engaging and inclusive program! Designed for school-age children of all language backgrounds, our summer school blends language learning with fun-filled activities.

Date: Thursday, 24 July – Wednesday, 30 July 2025 (excluding weekends)
Time: 08:45 AM – 03:30 PM
Venue: Bartolome House, School of Law, Winter Street, Sheffield S3 7ND
           Rooms DB13, BG03, AG13, and AG14 (grouped by age)
Standard: £120
Concession: £100 (available for children of University of Sheffield staff/students and learners at Star Mandarin School)
Day Rate: £30 (for individual day attendance)

Additional Information:
Please ensure your child brings a packed lunch. Refreshments will be provided during break time.

For more information, contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0114 2228447
Mobile: 07593502130

We look forward to welcoming your child for a fun and enriching learning experience!

More Information:   https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/confucius/events/summer-school-children

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Private Mandarin Tuition at Confucius Institute

Private Mandarin Tuition at Confucius Institute


Aiming high and meeting your needs.

Tailored to meet individual learning objectives, our one-to-one private Mandarin tuition can be available throughout the year.

Before registering, please reach out to us to discuss your aims, objectives, mode of participation, and preferred time for regular sessions. You can choose 1 hour per week, two sessions of 1 hour per week, or 2 hours per week. We will check our teachers' availabilities to accommodate your preferences.

Upon completing registration and payment of fees, and if you are new to us, a complimentary meeting should be scheduled to assess your unique learning requirements. This meeting, lasting up to one hour, is provided free of charge and aims to formulate a personalised program before the start of the first private tuition session.

Mode of Participation: Sessions can be delivered either in-person or online. If it is in-person, the place will be the Confucius Institute office, located at 2-4 Palmerston Road, Sheffield S10 2TE.

Course Fees:
•    Fees for a minimum of 10 hourly sessions are £300 (at a rate of £30/h).
•    Fees for 33 hourly sessions are £900 (at a rate equivalent to £27.3/h).

Contacting us:
Email:  [email protected]
Telephone: 0114 2228332 / 07593502130

For more information: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/confucius/study/courses

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Sheffield Children’s University (CU) at Star Mandarin School

Sheffield Children’s University (CU) at Star Mandarin School


- Open to children attending Sheffield Schools only

1. Introduction
The Confucius Institute Star Mandarin School is a Learning Destination where the children/young people can earn CU award credits because of their extracurricular studies with us. We provide Mandarin Chinese, Maths and Arts tuition at Bartolome House, School of Law, the University of Sheffield, over the weekends.

2. What is CU award credits?
Sheffield Children's University (CU) is part of Sheffield City Council, and is now working in partnerships with the University of Sheffield (UoS) and Hallam University, to encourage children and young people to develop essential life skills by takin part in learning activities outside school hours.
One credit is awarded for each hour of learning that takes place. These are then converted into awards:
Bronze (30 hours), Silver (65 hours), Gold (100 hours)… CU Degrees (400 hours) … CU Master Degrees (800 hours) … and these continue right up to 1000 hours!

3. Why do we join CU Credits?
Sheffield Research shows that children who take part in CU activities:
• do better at school
• achieve higher results in SATs and GCSEs
• exceed expected results
• make more progress than other children
They also tend to have more confidence, motivation, and higher self-esteem.

4. How to collect CU Credits?
(1). Your child may have already enrolled for the CU through their local school. Ask in your child’s school if they are subscribed to Sheffield Children’s University.
(2). If not, get enrolled through the Star Mandarin School. Buy a CU Passport to Learning for £3 at the Star School through the university online shop:
You will then collect the CU Passport to Learning at the Star School (Bartolome House, School of Law) on Saturdays.
(3). You may already registered your child for the CU at the Star School before the Covid-19. Please register a CU Passport to Learning for £0 at the Star School through the university online shop.
You must bring your previous CU Passport to Learning to us for a checking at the Star School.

5. Consent and Signature: Permission will be given by Parent/Carer for name, date of birth and school to be recorded by Sheffield City Council so CU credits can be awarded.

For more information please visit: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/confucius/study/courses/children

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YCT Tests, Internet-based, IN-PERSON, Saturday 24 May 2025

YCT Tests, Internet-based, IN-PERSON, Saturday 24 May 2025


Youth Chinese Test for School Students.

Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is designed to exam non-native primary and secondary school pupils' ability to apply Chinese language in their studies and daily life.  

YCT consists of two independent parts: the written test (YCT Level 1 to Level 4) and the oral test (Basic Level and Intermediate Level). The two parts can be taken separately. Details can be found at: 

Test time:
     YCT Level 1, 09:00 (login at 8:30)
     YCT Level 2, 09:00 (login at 8:30)
     YCT Level 3: 09:00 (login at 8:30)
     YCT Level 4: 09:00 (login at 8:30)
     YCT speaking, Basic: 11:00 (login 10:30)
     YCT speaking, Intermediate: 11:00 (login 10:30)

Test place:  Computer Room ALG04, Bartolome House, School of Law, Winter Street, Sheffield S3 7ND

Registration deadline: 13 May 2025

It is essential to send an id photo of the Test Taker to [email protected]
for this internet-based and In-Person test. Filature to do so will result in incomplete registration and being unable to take the test. 

Cancellation Terms:      
If you need to cancel your registration, please contact the Confucius Institute at the University of Sheffield as soon as possible. 
- If you cancel your registration before the registration deadline, you will receive a full refund
- If you cancel your registration after the registration deadline but up to 10 days before the test date, you will receive a 50% refund
- No refund for cancellations will be given in the 10 days before the test date.

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