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School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities

School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities

Firth Court

Teaching Indigenous Histories and Perspectives in Schools


Teacher conference at the University of Sheffield, 28 June 2025

Open to all educators, this day conference will support teachers in developing their skills, resources and confidence in teaching Indigenous American histories and perspectives in UK classrooms. 

Organised in partnership with Schools History Project, Incomindios UK and the Centre for Indigenous and Settler Colonial Studies, the conference features the launch of new, free schemes of work, expert workshops and Indigenous speakers, and will form the foundation of an ongoing community of practice.  We are honoured to welcome Dr Stephanie Pratt (Crow Creek Dakota) as our keynote speaker.

After the conference, teachers will have the opportunity to be supported by project advisors to develop and embed schemes of work in their own schools. University of Sheffield KE funding enables us to offer follow-up workshops, training and CPD for schools and trusts, in addition to this heavily subsidised conference. Our resources are particularly focused on Upper KS2 and KS3, but the principles are applicable to all ages, including GCSE and A-level topics touching on Indigenous Americans.

The project is delighted to be able to offer travel and accommodation bursaries for teacher participants, particularly those who might not otherwise be able to access such CPD and training. Applications are particularly welcomed from teachers at 'widening-participation' schools, which include high numbers of students from backgrounds that are underrepresented in higher education. If you would like to apply for a bursary, please email Caroline Pennock (c.pennock@sheffield.ac.uk) with a one-paragraph explanation of why you qualify. You may do so before registering for the conference if you wish. Please also contact us regarding a bursary if you are unable to afford the £10 contribution to catering.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Registration£10.00[Read More]

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