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Systematic Approaches to Searching for Evidence


Course Information

Systematic Approaches to Searching for Evidence

Pay by Card/PayPal - Standard Rate

Course Date:
Tuesday, 11th & Tuesday, 25th March 2025

Course Times:
Tuesday, 11th March 2025 9am - 1pm (GMT)
Tuesday, 25th March 2025 9am - 1pm (GMT)

Course Delivery
All live sessions will be delivered via the University of Sheffield's Collaborate platform. Please
can you ensure that both your device and the network you are using for the course are not
firewalled from accessing this application. You can test this anytime at http://bit.ly/uostest

More Information
For a detailed course overview please visit the course webpage

Last Booking Date
Online bookings will automatically close at 12 noon on Monday, 10th March 2025.

Available Rates

The fee for this online course is £350.

Current members of University of Sheffield staff and current University of Sheffield students are eligible to book this course at the reduced rate of £300.

An active @sheffield.ac.uk email address is required to book at this reduced rate.

Course Code


Course Leader

SCHARR Short Course Unit
StartEndCourse Fee 
Pay by Card/PayPal - Standard Rate

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