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Introduction to Manual Milling Techniques

Introduction to Manual Milling Techniques


An introduction to the basic concepts of manual milling processes. Explore and realise the progression from design to manufacture. This is a practical course with hands-on activities using a vertical manual milling machine in an engineering workshop.

If you are looking for a more in-depth, accredited qualification in Manual Milling, please contact us to discuss the possibility of undertaking a Level 2, EAL accredited unit (AME2-014) - please note this will be agreed on an individual basis based on workshop availability.

Group bookings:
Claim a discount of £50 per person when booking a group.
To book get in touch at [email protected].

Please note - A minimum of three people is required for a group booking.

Duration: four days

17-20 February 2025
14-17 April 2025
22-25 April 2025
27-30 May 2025
28-31 July 2025
11-14 August 2025

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