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UKRI CDT in Speech and Language Technologies and their Applications Annual Conference 2025

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Event Information

UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Speech and Language Technologies and their Applications
Dates of Event
23rd June 2025 – 24th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
8th June 2025


The Diamond, University of Sheffield. Monday 23 June - Tuesday 24 June 2025 

Our fifth annual SLT CDT conference will be held at The Diamond building, University of Sheffield. The conference brings together researchers and practitioners from a range of areas with interests in computational processing of speech signals and written language.

The conference will showcase the research being undertaken by our CDT’s PhD students as well as those in the School of Computer Science's long-established Speech and Hearing (SpandH) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) research groups. 

Sheffield's SpandH and NLP research groups constitute one of the largest groupings of SLT researchers in the UK with world leading research publications and impact. 

The conference will consist of:

- keynote talks from leading international academics and industrial practitioners 
- student talks and posters describing their PhD research
- presentations showcasing the work the Sheffield students have undertaken as part of their unique four-year training programme
- a panel discussion covering technical and ethical topics.

Conference registration fees cover access to all sessions (oral and poster), coffee breaks (morning and afternoon), buffet lunches, as well as refreshments during the poster sessions.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Registration£30.00[Read More]

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