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Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease


The Department of Infection and Immunity combines basic science research in molecular cell biology, with a particular focus on innate immunity in Respiratory Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Renal Medicine, Tumour Targeting, Rheumatology and Dermatology. The department comprises 34 academic staff and occupies laboratory and office space within the Medical School and the Royal Hallamshire Hospital. There is access to core facilities in proteomics and genomics, high quality Cell Biology, Containment Level 2 and Containment Level 3 laboratories. Our clinical base is at both the Royal Hallamshire (Infectious Diseases, Respiratory Medicine, Rheumatology, Dermatology) and Northern General (Renal Medicine) Hospitals.

Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease

Practical Bench Teaching for Infection Trainees (Postgraduate)

Practical Bench Teaching for Infection Trainees (Postgraduate)



Practical Bench Teaching for Infection Trainees - 4th September 2024.
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