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Exam Fees

Exam Fees

IELTS test fee for 2024

IELTS Test Fees 2024



Fees for one sitting of the IELTS exam at the ELTC, 2024
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Cambridge DELTA Module 1



Fee for the Cambridge English DELTA Module 1 exam. (For candidates not registered with the ELTC)
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DELTA module 1 test fee (ELTC students)

Cambridge DELTA Module 1 (ELTC students)



This link will allow students on the part-time DELTA course to pay £139 for the Cambridge DELTA Module 1 exam.

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Cambridge English C2 Proficiency (CPE) exam fee



Fee for the Cambridge English C2 Proficiency (CPE) exam
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TKT module 1-3 fee (None ELTC students)

Cambridge TKT exams (Non-ELTC students)



This link will allow external students to pay £147 for the Cambridge TKT Modules 1-3 exams.

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ELTC Exam Invigilation Fee

ELTC Exam Invigilation Fee



Fee for students taking none ELTC managed tests at the ELTC Sheffield test centre.
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IELTS Enquiry on results (EOR) Fee



IELTS Enquiry on results (EOR) Fee
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TKT module 1-3 fee (TKT for students taking ELTC TKT classes)

TKT (ELTC TKT students only)



TKT fee for students taking courses taught by ELTC teachers.
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IELTS test fee for 2024

IELTS One Skill Retake Fee 2024



Fees for one sitting of the IELTS One Skill Retake exam at the ELTC, 2024.
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