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UK Cellular Microbiology Network Meeting

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UK Cellular Microbiology Network Meeting
Dates of Event
8th July 2024 – 9th July 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
25th June 2024


UK Cellular Microbiology Meeting

The UK Cellular microbiology network meetings were started in 2019 and aim to be a must-attend for anyone working on host-pathogen interactions. With an emphasis on interactions at or within the host cell, we will focus specifically on how pathogens subvert host cellular processes and how the cell responds. While attendees from any country are most welcome, the meetings are intended to bring together the disparate host-pathogen interaction community in the UK and to provide a network to foster collaboration and interchange across the various pathogens under study.

We have two great keynote speakers in Prof Claire Bryant (University of Cambridge) Prof Marek Bailer (University of Basel) but the majority of the talks will be delivered by early-career researchers (ECRs). We will also have a vibrant poster session and flash talks selected from the posters. 

This year we will be holding the meeting over 2 days at Firth Hall, University of Sheffield during 8th-9th July 2024. We hope everyone will stay overnight and join the social on 8th July.

Registration cost £70. The cost of registration has been minimised to encourage ECRs and whole labs to participate. This includes two buffet lunches, refreshments ​but not accommodation, for which there are many options around central Sheffield and should be booked separately.

Abstract submission (deadline 20 th May)

Please can you complete the following registration form for abstract submission and indicate preferences, which include the evening social: https://forms.gle/SoCQDsV1YDYHJwcGA

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