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InterLibrary Request Service for Registered External Borrowers

InterLibrary Request Service for Registered External Borrowers


InterLibrary Requests for registered External Borrowers

Registered External Borrowers may use the InterLibrary Request Service to obtain copies of titles, articles and book chapters that are not available from the University Library. Please check StarPlus before submitting any InterLibrary Requests. For more information please click the following: (http://find.shef.ac.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?vid=SFD_VU2&reset_config=true)

Any InterLibrary Requests will not be processed until payment has been received. For more information on InterLibrary Request Service Charges please click the following: (https://www.shef.ac.uk/library/services/ilcharges)

Electronically supplied copies


Loans Service


Photocopies Service


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