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Visual LDC (USB)

Visual LDC



Visual LDC is a CD:ROM learning resource designed primarily for health and education professionals who work with children with speech and language difficulties.


Detailed Description

Visual LDC is a CD:ROM learning resource designed primarily for health and education professionals who work with children with speech and language difficulties.

The resource gives an introduction to spoken language development for those who are unfamiliar with the subject or want to brush up on the skills they already possess. Visual ldc is a stand-alone package. As such it is an ideal resource for individual study or use for in-service delivery by schools or speech and language therapy departments. Visual ldc was developed in conjunction with the Learning Development and Media Unit of the University of Sheffield, and has now been licensed for commercial purchase.

 The cd-rom consists of eight units, each focusing on different aspects of speech and language development in children. Each unit is designed around video clips of a child or children engaged in communication or speech and language tasks. The learner is required to interact with the video clip(s) by completing structured observations, answering questions and completing activities. In each unit, a tutorial can be accessed which provides the necessary theoretical knowledge to the aspect of speech and language development presented in that unit. Immediate feedback is provided through model answers and examples with opportunities for further reading and links to other web resources. Throughout, an attempt has been made to show how this type of analysis can be carried out through focused listening during the course of everyday interactions in a range of different contexts such as home, classroom and playground. (2005)

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