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The International Phonetic Alphabet (USB)

The International Phonetic Alphabet



This is a practical resource to help anyone learning to use the 'International Phonetic Alphabet' and is particularly well suited for individual practice.


Detailed Description

This is a practical resource to help anyone learning to use the 'International Phonetic Alphabet' and is particularly well suited for individual practice.

All the key sounds are presented, articulated by both male and female speakers. Includes examples of various voice qualities and secondary articulations. Articulations are shown simultaneously from the front and side and are accompanied by clear animations of activity further back in the mouth. Each separate sound is a video file which shows articulation simultaneously from the front and side, accompanied by clear animations of activity further back in the mouth. Each video file is stored in a database so that users could search and find either individual sounds, or various groups of sounds.

The CD also contains a printable version of the standard chart for identifying the sounds of the International Phonetic. (1999)

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