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Protection from Ionising Radiation - full series (USB)




These five programmes will inform all those whose everyday work brings them into contact with ionising radiation about safety measures as laid down by EEC directives.


Detailed Description

These five programmes will inform all those whose everyday work brings them into contact with ionising radiation about safety measures as laid down by EEC directives.

Module 1: The scientific background This programme covers the basic scientific concepts necessary to understand radiation safety and protection. It introduces the concept of ionising radiations in terms of natural and every day phenomena and gives a brief description of the physics involved. It assesses the penetrating powers of different radiations, describes biological effects on people and finally points the way towards achieving radiation protection in practice. (1985, 20 mins)

Module 2: Units used in radiation protection Describes what is measured (activity, energy, exposure, absorbed dose, dose equivalent) and the units used for such measurements. Knowledge of these terms is essential to safe protection. (1984, 20 mins)

Module 3: Principal types of hazard This module considers the external hazard; fields of radiation; beams of radiation; the internal hazard with special reference to ingestion, inhalation, penetration through the skin and absorption through the skin; surface contamination, with special reference to the significance of radioactive particulates and radioactive gases; and the relative risks from the common radiations with regard to external hazard and the internal hazard. (1984, 18 mins)

Module 4: Protection from the external radiation hazard This programme deals with the protection against the external hazard in terms of shielding distance and time. Each of these concepts are discussed in both theoretical and practical terms. (1983, 22 mins)

Module 5: Measuring the external hazard Explains how the limitations of measuring equipment determine the choice of specific measuring instruments and how the various measuring instruments work, with some reference to the processes involved; gives advice on undertaking a survey of the external radiation hazard and explains the value of professional advice. (1984, 31 mins)

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