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Technicians Supporting Outreach Activities

Technicians Supporting Outreach Activities


Discover how to support successful outreach activities in higher education

Outreach activities to schools, colleges and the general public is an essential activity of the university portfolio. It supports young people and parents in making informed decisions and enables student recruitment. Technicians are uniquely placed to provide outreach activities, as they are engaged in supporting teaching and learning, research and knowledge transfer activities. The aim is to explore how to conduct outreach sessions in schools and colleges.

Objectives of the course include exploring the following:

-Types of outreach activities
-How to plan an outreach programme
-How to get others involved in the organisation
-H&S considerations in outreach activities: engaging young people
-Communication skills and live public demonstrations

It has been designed to accommodate various learning styles and to allow participants to learn from group discussions, individual reflection on the current practice. The participants will be encouraged to implement learnt skills in their work.


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