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Customer Service for Technical Staff

Customer Service for Technical Staff


Learn how to better support and enhance the student experience

Universities seek to be ranked high in league tables and recognised for their impact on teaching, learning, research and knowledge exchange activities, as evidenced in their strategic plans. The core university goals revolve around student-centered learning and satisfaction, and research-informed practice, coupled with a need to grow sources of income. Members of the technical service team(s) play an important role in support of increasing student satisfaction ratings and delivering customer services that can help universities achieve their goals in the current pandemic and beyond. Technical staff have always been at the customer-facing front line of teaching, learning, research and knowledge exchange, who’s telephone-based, online and onsite face-to-face interactions are critical to the success of services, support and products to a wide range of customers (including students, researchers, academics, collaborators, clients, contractors, and the wider internal staff groups).
This course is tailor made to meet the needs of technical staff in Higher Education. It accommodates various learning styles, to allow participants to learn from theory and practice, group discussions and individual reflection on their current practice. It will utilise formative assessments to increase learner knowledge, competency and confidence; enabling and empowering them to implement learnt skills in their work.

Aim: To increase awareness and build essential skills in delivering excellent customer service in technical functions.

Objectives are to explore:-
the importance of customer service in the HE context
customer service situations relevant to the technical services
principles of customer service and key transferable skills
key components of customer service/care excellence framework in technical functions
approaches in dealing with difficult customers and handling complaints
effective customer services communication and other interpersonal skills
the perception of being in the customer’s shoes for continuous improvement

By the end of this course, participants will able to:-
enhance their skills for delivering excellent customer service through:
effective listening and questioning
managing expectations
handling difficult conversations and applying assertiveness
Increase their competency in dealing with difficult customers and complaints
recognise and build partnerships in the delivery of customer service
develop an action plan with confidence for improving customer service


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