Generating Income With Technical Facilities & Services![]() DescriptionLearn how to maximise income generation using the technical resources and services that you already have. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) engage in income generation activities, sometimes referred to as ‘enterprise’, ‘commercial’, ‘third stream’ or ‘third-leg’, along with their core mission of teaching and research. The Technical facilities and services capability in HEIs has the potential to generate significant financial impact. There are examples of universities in London and beyond where Technicians and Technical Resource Managers (TRMs) are contributing and conducting income generation activities that generate over £150K per annum. Technicians who support and deliver income generation activities often note a boost in their motivation, engagement and career success. They achieve recognition, increase the organisational bottom-line and reputation, and impact on student learning, teaching and research by gaining new knowledge, skills and experience in customer service. The aim of this course is to (1) introduce a successful income generation model developed at a University in London that is then (2) adapted and applied by technicians in their own organisation. Objectives of the course include exploring the following: -Why are we doing enterprise activities? Provide background, strategy and direction for income generation It has been designed to accommodate various learning styles and to allow participants to learn from practice, group discussions, and individual reflection on the current practice. The facilitator of this workshop is a former TRM, who will provide insight and know-how to help technicians, technologists, technical team leaders and managers to engage in income generation.
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